The Lab (30111) is a LEGO Harry Potter set released as a part of The Sun newspaper promotion. I bought this set at Target for $3.99 as I was looking at the Christmas stocking stuffers. It consists of 34 pieces that also includes a spider and some other accessories. There is the usual Harry Potter minifig with his wand and in his school uniform. The main attraction is the potions cabinet. It has five different colored potion bottles that use the translucent pieces. There is also a hidden compartment that is accessed by lifting the shelves and inside there contains a letter and a horn. In conclusion, this is a pretty cool looking set that is a must-have for LEGO Harry Potter collectors.

The Lab 30111

LEGO Harry Potter – The Lab

[easyreview title=”The Brick Fan Scoring Summary” cat1title=”Design” cat1detail=” ” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Playability” cat2detail=” ” cat2rating=”3″ cat3title=”Value” cat3detail=” ” cat3rating=”4″ summary=” “]
