On the eve of the release of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2, Marvel has released more images of some of the LEGO comic book covers that you’ll be able to collect in game. There are initally 20 LEGO-style classic Marvel covers illustrated by Dan Veesenmeyer that you’ll be able to find when the game drops tomorrow which has covers from the Golden Age all the way up to modern ones. Some of the covers that are in the game include:
Avengers #8
Avengers #49
Avengers #87
Avengers #154
Avengers Forever #4
Black Knight #5
Captain Marvel #16
Doctor Strange #1
Edge of Spider-Verse #1
Guardians of the Galaxy #15
Incredible Hulk #94
Inhumans #8
Iron Fist #15
Marvel Premiere #15
Nova #25
Spider-Man 2099 #1
Strange Tales #135
Supernatural Thrillers #7
Tales of Asgard #1
The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1
Thor #133